Solar Eclipse over La Higuera, Chile

Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 visiblility from La Higuera, Chile

Total Sun Eclipse July, 2019 Main Page Lunar Eclipse of July 16, 2019
This Event is now history. Upcoming Total Eclipse:
TOTAL Solar Eclipse over EUROPE - August 12, 2026. See Totality Path

Is the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse visible from La Higuera, Chile?

Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 in La Higuera, Chile will be visible as a ? eclipse. ? percent of the Sun will be covered by the Moon. The show begins with partial phase of the eclipse (the Moon starts to touch the Sun's edge) at ? of the local time and ends at ?. Maximum phase of the solar eclipse takes place at ?. Magnitude (fraction of the Sun's diameter covered) is ?

Total phase of the Solar Eclipse (the Sun is fully covered by the Moon) begins in La Higuera, Chile at ? and finishes at ? of the local time. Duration of the total eclipse will take ?.

See more information about July 2, 2019 solar eclipse in La Higuera, Chile in the tables below.

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City: La Higuera, Chile
Time Zone:
Eclipse Times in Local Time
Eclipse Type: Total (100%)
Partial Eclipse Begin Time:
Total Eclipse Begin Time:
Time of Maximum Eclipse:
Total Eclipse End Time:
Partial Eclipse End Time:
Totality Time:
Sun Position During Eclipse
Sun AzimuthSun Altitude
Partial Eclipse Begins:
Total Eclipse Begins:
Maksimum Eclipse:
Total Eclipse Ends:
Partial Eclipse Ends:
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Chile or Argentina? Which location is better for seeing total eclipse?

Definitely Chile. (Edit: it's not so easy. Our quick analysis were criticized by experienced eclipse chasers. All information below - about sun altitude in Chile and Argentina are correct but there are other factors that should be considered while assessing the quality of places to watch this eclipse. Please stay tuned for more sophisticated analysis)

The maximum of the Total Eclipse over South America will take place just before sunset, hence the sun altitude will be low. In Chile maximum eclipse will be sooner than in Argentina, so the sun will be heigher in the sky. Images below show sun position and altitude during maximum eclipse seen from La Serena, Chile; San Juan, Argentina and Buenos Aires, Argentina. As you can see, in Buenos Aires the sun is very low, so you have to find a place where you will be able clearly see the west and west-north horizon with no obstruction like buildings, mountains or trees. The second reason Chile is better place to see the eclipse is that, in Chile the phase of the total eclipse is a little longer than in Argentina.

Total Solar Eclipse La Serena, Chile July 2, 2019 - Sun Altitude and Position
Sun altitude (13°) and position during maximum eclipse (July 2 at 16:39 CLT) seen from La Serena, Chile. See it or even animate it in - Eclipse La Serena, Chile
Total Solar Eclipse San Juan, Argentina July 2, 2019 - Sun Altitude and Position
Sun altitude (10°) and position during maximum eclipse (July 2 at 17:41 ART) seen from outskirts of Sun Juan, Argentina (route 40, Albadron) See it or even animate it in - Eclipse San Juan, AR
Total Solar Eclipse Buenos Aires, Argentina July 2, 2019 - Sun Altitude and Position
Sun altitude (1°) and position during maximum eclipse (July 2 at 17:44 ART) seen from outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina See it or even animate it in - Eclipse Buenos Aires, AR
Total Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 - City List

The table below lists more then 90 cities and places around the world, where you can see July's Eclipse of the Sun. You can find out when the eclipse starts and ends, what is the obscuration of the Sun disc and what type of the eclipse occurs in any given location (T-total, P-partial eclipse)

Click on the city name (first column) to get more detailed information about solar eclipse in this place, e.g. sun azimuth and altitude, geografical coordinates and altitude etc. Use search box to select desired location(s): city or country. All times in the table are given in local time (see column Time Zone).

City TimeZone Eclipse
Coverage [%]