Click on the map to get detailed information (times, type, magnitude, obscuration, ...) about this Solar Eclipse at any given geographical location or find location on the list of cities
Click on the map to get detailed information (times, type, magnitude, obscuration, ...) about Solar Eclipse at any given geographical location or find location on the list of cities
All times on the map are given in UTC (Universal Time) by default, but for your convenience we provide time conversion possibility (use select box in the info window).
The table below lists more than 400 cities and places around the South, Central and North America, where you can see April's 2024 Eclipse of the Sun. You can find out when the eclipse starts, ends and reaches its maximum, how big is the obscuration of the Sun disc and what type of the eclipse occurs in any given location (T-Total, P-partial eclipse)
Click on the city name (first column) to get more detailed information about solar eclipse in this place, e.g. sun azimuth and altitude, geographical coordinates and altitude etc.
Use search box to select desired location(s): city or country. All times in the table are given in local time (see column Time Zone).
See also: A list of the 11 best places in the USA to see this eclipse, 7 best places in New York state to see TSE2024, Best places in Canada for TSE2024
Next TOTAL Solar Eclipse will occur over EUROPE. See when & where!
City | TimeZone | Eclipse Type |
Partial Eclipse Begins |
Total Eclipse Begins |
Maximum Eclipse |
Total Eclipse Ends |
Partial Eclipse Ends |
Eclipse Magnitude |
Eclipse Coverage [%] |
Total Eclipse Duration |