Current local time in New York, NY
Wed, 04 Dec 2024 23:43:28 -0500
04 December 2024 | |
Sunrise: | 07:04:53 |
Sunset: | 16:28:48 |
Transit: | 11:46:50 |
Length of daytime: |
9h 23m 55s |
Twilight | Begins | Ends | Length |
Civil | 06:34:25 | 16:59:16 | 10h 24m 51s |
Nautical | 06:00:16 | 17:33:25 | 11h 33m 09s |
Astronomical | 05:27:11 | 18:06:30 | 12h 39m 19s |
City | Region | Country |
New York | New York | United States |
Coordinates | Latitude | Longitude |
DMS: | 40° 41′ 19″ N | 74° 01′ 13″ W |
Decimal: | 40.6888 | -74.0203 |
Timezone: | ||
UTC offset: UTC-5:00 | ||
Daylight Saving Time: No | ||
EST Eastern Standard Time (North America) | ||
America/New_York |
Rise | Set | Length | |
Yesterday | 07:03:56 | 16:28:55 | 9h 24m 59s |
Tomorrow | 07:05:49 | 16:28:43 | 9h 22m 54s |
Neighborhood of New York, NY
Jackson Heights, NY, Astoria, NY, Arverne, NY, Ridgewood, NY, Carteret, NJ, East Orange, NJ, Totowa, NJ, Little Ferry, NJ, Linden, NJ, Woodhaven, NYLocations in United States
Houston, TX, Philadelphia, PA, San Antonio, TX, San Jose, CA, Portland, OR, Cleveland, OH, Virginia Beach, VA, Omaha, NE, Saint Louis, MO, Santa Ana, CAOther Cities
Jakarta,Indonesia; Teheran,Iran Islamic Republic of; Harbin,China; Riyadh,Saudi Arabia; Changchun,China; Addis Abeba,Ethiopia; Quezon,Philippines; Shijiazhuang,China; Medellín,Colombia; Hamburg,Germany; Quito,Ecuador; Douala,Cameroon; Yaoundé,Cameroon;