Current local time in Princeton, ON
Sat, 12 Oct 2024 14:56:42 -0400
12 October 2024 | |
Sunrise: | 07:33:53 |
Sunset: | 18:42:33 |
Transit: | 13:08:13 |
Length of daytime: |
11h 08m 40s |
Twilight | Begins | Ends | Length |
Civil | 07:05:21 | 19:11:05 | 12h 05m 44s |
Nautical | 06:32:23 | 19:44:02 | 13h 11m 39s |
Astronomical | 05:59:25 | 20:17:01 | 14h 17m 36s |
City | Region | Country |
Princeton | Ontario | Canada |
Coordinates | Latitude | Longitude |
DMS: | 43° 11′ 24″ N | 80° 31′ 12″ W |
Decimal: | 43.19 | -80.52 |
Timezone: | ||
UTC offset: UTC-4:00 | ||
Daylight Saving Time: Yes | ||
EDT Eastern Daylight Time (North America) | ||
America/Toronto |
Rise | Set | Length | |
Yesterday | 07:32:41 | 18:44:13 | 11h 11m 32s |
Tomorrow | 07:35:04 | 18:40:53 | 11h 05m 49s |
Neighborhood of Princeton, ON
Hespeler, ON, Galt, ON, Drumbo, ON, Paris, ON, New Hamburg, ON, Cambridge, ON, Norwich, ON, Baden, ON, Ayr, ON, Woodstock, ONLocations in Canada
Calgary, AB, Winnipeg, MB, Scarborough, ON, Vancouver, BC, Etobicoke, ON, Ottawa, ON, Kitchener, ON, Richmond, BC, Abbotsford, BC, Barrie, ONOther Cities
São Paulo,Brazil; Delhi,India; Wuhan,China; Chengdu,China; Ahmedabad,India; Taegu,Korea Republic of; Gîza,Egypt; Cali,Colombia; Mashhad,Iran Islamic Republic of; Dar Es Salaam,Tanzania United Republic of; Curitiba,Brazil; Guiyang,China; Chittagong,Bangladesh;