Current local time in Surrey, BC
Sun, 13 Oct 2024 01:05:37 -0700
13 October 2024 | |
Sunrise: | 07:31:31 |
Sunset: | 18:22:45 |
Transit: | 12:57:08 |
Length of daytime: |
10h 51m 14s |
Twilight | Begins | Ends | Length |
Civil | 06:59:38 | 18:54:38 | 11h 55m 00s |
Nautical | 06:22:53 | 19:31:23 | 13h 08m 30s |
Astronomical | 05:46:04 | 20:08:12 | 14h 22m 08s |
City | Region | Country |
Surrey | British Columbia | Canada |
Coordinates | Latitude | Longitude |
DMS: | 49° 08′ 11″ N | 122° 49′ 15″ W |
Decimal: | 49.1364 | -122.821 |
Timezone: | ||
UTC offset: UTC-7:00 | ||
Daylight Saving Time: Yes | ||
PDT Pacific Daylight Time (North America) | ||
America/Vancouver |
Rise | Set | Length | |
Yesterday | 07:29:59 | 18:24:44 | 10h 54m 45s |
Tomorrow | 07:33:03 | 18:20:46 | 10h 47m 43s |
Neighborhood of Surrey, BC
Coquitlam, BC, Pitt Meadows, BC, North Surrey, BC, Port Mann, BC, White Rock, BC, Colebrook, BC, Cloverdale, BC, North Burnaby, BC, Langley, BC, Richmond, BCLocations in Canada
Montreal, QC, Winnipeg, MB, Edmonton, AB, Laval, QC, Saskatoon, SK, Markham, ON, Oakville, ON, Sudbury, ON, Tilting, NL, Dufrost, MBOther Cities
Karachi,Pakistan; Lima,Peru; Shenyang,China; Sydney,Australia; Dalian,China; Pyongyang,Korea Democratic People's Republic of; Alger,Algeria; Luanda,Angola; Medan,Indonesia; Nanchang,China; Pune,India; Ibadan,Nigeria; Ningbo,China;