Current local time in Ciudad Morelos
Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:40:27 -0800
05 November 2024 | |
Sunrise: | 06:01:49 |
Sunset: | 16:44:19 |
Transit: | 11:23:04 |
Length of daytime: |
10h 42m 30s |
Twilight | Begins | Ends | Length |
Civil | 05:36:14 | 17:09:55 | 11h 33m 41s |
Nautical | 05:06:54 | 17:39:14 | 12h 32m 20s |
Astronomical | 04:37:58 | 18:08:11 | 13h 30m 13s |
City | Region | Country |
Ciudad Morelos | Baja California | Mexico |
Coordinates | Latitude | Longitude |
DMS: | 32° 37′ 53″ N | 114° 51′ 21″ W |
Decimal: | 32.6314 | -114.856 |
Timezone: | ||
UTC offset: UTC-8:00 | ||
Daylight Saving Time: No | ||
PST Pacific Standard Time (North America) | ||
America/Tijuana |
Rise | Set | Length | |
Yesterday | 06:00:57 | 16:45:06 | 10h 44m 09s |
Tomorrow | 06:02:42 | 16:43:34 | 10h 40m 52s |
Neighborhood of Ciudad Morelos
Distrito Federal, Ejido Hermosillo, Winterhaven, CA, Gadsden, AZ, Somerton, AZ, Compuertas Carejey, San Luis, AZ, San Luis Río Colorado, Yuma, AZ, Potrero WarneLocations in Mexico
Chihuahua, San Luis Potosí, Morelia, Hermosillo, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Xalapa, Ahome, Apodaca, CoatzacoalcosOther Cities
Karachi,Pakistan; Lima,Peru; Shenyang,China; Sydney,Australia; Dalian,China; Pyongyang,Korea Democratic People's Republic of; Alger,Algeria; Luanda,Angola; Medan,Indonesia; Nanchang,China; Pune,India; Ibadan,Nigeria; Ningbo,China;