Today's Sunrise, Sunset, Length of a Day in Kaczanowo, Poland

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Current local time in Kaczanowo
Mon, 13 May 2024 19:54:47 +0200
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13 May 2024
Sunrise: 04:55:52
Sunset: 20:36:09
Transit: 12:46:01
Length of
15h 40m 17s
Twilight Begins Ends Length
Civil 04:13:35 21:18:27 17h 04m 52s
Nautical 03:15:12 22:16:50 19h 01m 38s
Astronomical 01:42:19 23:49:42 22h 07m 23s

City Region Country
Kaczanowo Poznan Poland
Coordinates Latitude Longitude
DMS: 52° 16′ 59″ N 17° 34′ 59″ E
Decimal: 52.2833 17.5833
UTC offset: UTC+2:00
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
CEST Central European Summer Time
Rise Set Length
Yesterday 04:57:27 20:34:35 15h 37m 08s
Tomorrow 04:54:19 20:37:44 15h 43m 25s

What to Expect (Animated Simulations)
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How long is a day in Kaczanowo, Poland Today
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